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03.09.2015, 11:53  

Beitrag #1

blubbermanns Avatar
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blubbermanns Avatar
Beiträge: 3
Beiträge: 3
Starcraft 2, Hearthstone and FIFA Tournament from Worldgaming, sponsored by G2A, Alienware and Twitch - with each $10.000 Prize Pool and $22.000 Prize Pool at the offline finals on Maledives. (incl. travelsupport) The tournament will be streamed on twitch!

The entire WorldGaming team is excited to finally announce our exclusive partnership with The World Series of Video Games 2015!

WSVG is an international tournament where gamers from around the world compete in online regional qualifiers, a.k.a. the Grand Qualifiers, for Starcraft 2, Hearthstone, and FIFA 15.

This year the qualifiers for Canada, US, and Europe are being held exclusively with us at WorldGaming! So if you’re not a member already, you can make your free account now.

The top player from each region earns an all-expenses-paid trip for the qualifier to play in the Grand Finals in the Maldives from October 5th – 10th.

We’re also going to be hosting some Daily Swag and Social Giveaways for game keys, DLC, and other gaming prizes, so if you’re not following WorldGaming on Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch do it now so you don’t miss out.

Wie ihr euch anmeldet ist ganz einfach!

Ihr könnt euch hier registrieren:
The Home of eSports and competitive video gaming by WorldGaming

Nachdem ihr euch registriert habt, euren Account per Mail bestätigen und dem Qualifier Tournament beitreten!

Die Qualifier-Tournaments findet ihr hier:!/tournaments

Infos zum Turnier findet ihr hier im Presserelease:
World Series of Video Games, Inc. (WSVG) Announces the Event World Series of Video Games Maldives 2015 Presented by -
Home > FIFA-Serie > Ältere FIFA-Teile > FIFA 15 22.000 $ FIFA Tournament mit
Finale auf den Malediven
22.000 $ FIFA Tournament mit Finale auf den Malediven